The Digitante

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Friday Night Links (11/13/2009)…

Friday the 13th? Yikes! I’m not too worried though because I have my trusty rabbit’s foot to bring me good luck. My rabbit’s luck is not nearly as good since losing his foot in that “me chopping off his foot the day before Friday the 13th” accident. Get well soon, Sir Hops-a-lot.

You know what else I’ve got? That’s right, some links:

  • Crime Exchange ( – One of my favorite TV shows of all time was a great drama from HBO called The Wire. It was an ultra-gritty drama about crime, drugs, and cops on the streets of Baltimore. It certainly isn’t for those who are squeamish about language, violence, or other seedy types of things. However, it is probably the most powerful and eye-opening drama series ever produced. Crime Exchange was inspired by recent comparisons between Baltimore and parts of England. Two crime reporters swapped places and are reporting their views on their new digs – London and Baltimore. Extremely intriguing.
  • Find Your Shows Online ( – allows you to find where the best place to view any show online is. They brag about 6,000 shows and cover the likes of Hulu, Netflix streaming, Amazon, and numerous network sites. Really cool tool.
  • Google Movie Showtimes ( – So we covered where to find all your favorite TV shows online, but what if you want a night out at the ol’ cinerama multiplex? Google’s got you covered with brand new showtime search results. You could always search for movie showtimes but a ton of new information has been added.
  • Gmail/Picasa Extra Storage ( – If you have a lot of pictures on your computer, I would strongly recommend backing them up. The best way to do so is by using Picasa as your photo organizer and using the Picasa Web tool to upload them. The cost of storage space was recently drastically reduced so it is more economical than ever to backup your information to Picasa Web. Additionally, the extra capacity can be used for additional email storage as well if 7Gb for your Gmail account isn’t enough.
  • BMW X5 Destroying a Car ( – I’m posting this one just for the shear awesomeness of it. It isn’t every day you see a monster truck rally in a gym parking lot. Turns out Hyundai gave the guy a brand-new car to replace his crushed one. Good work Hyundai. Also good work to BMW for making such a formidable off-road beast.

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