The Digitante

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Simple Surveys and a Contest!

If you want to make a survey (and who doesn’t) there is no simpler or way than using Google Docs. You’ve used Google Docs to upload and share large files, so why not make a fun or <GASP!> productive survey?

To create a survey, go to the ‘Create New’ pull down button and select ‘Form’ from the list.

Simple Survey and a Contest create new form

Once you’ve got the blank survey up and going, you can starting asking your friends and enemies invasive questions about themselves. You can get answers in a number of ways:

  • Text – Allows the participant to enter a few words to describe their answer. Example: What color is the sky? Their answer: Magenta. Perhaps they live on Saturn.
  • Paragraph Text – Allows the participant to enter a longer answer. Example: What is the symbolism in Pulp Fiction? Answer: Some long, rambling, meta-physical garbage answer.
  • Multiple Choice – Allows participants to choose one answer from given choices. What comes next in the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, __? If you know the answer, let me know in the comments.
  • Check Boxes – Choose as many answers as you want. Also has an ‘other’ option so the participant can enter their own answer.
  • Choose from a List – Uses a pull down menu that allows a selection such as a list of states in an address form.
  • Scale – Choose the scale and the extreme values. Get a feel for where people sit in a range of values.
  • Grid – Like a scale, but with multiple lines in it.

You can even have it take the participant to a different part of the survey depending on how they answer a specific question. Pretty amazing!

I figured, what better way to show off my survey making skills than to have a Digitante reader survey where I’ll be giving away three $10 Amazon giftcards.

Please read the instructions thoroughly and thank you in advanced for you feedback! Those of you reading by email or RSS, you may need to click through to the main site to take the survey.

If you want to share this survey with others, you can use the sharing buttons at the end of the post or you can simply copy the following link and send it via email:

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