The Digitante

Learn to turn your technology on…

Back from Exile…

As you may (or may not) have noticed, I’ve been absent from the blogging scene. There have been a couple of reasons for that. The excuses range from summer to running to kids to work. They aren’t good excuses, but they are there nonetheless.

What I do want to share is what I’ve been up to and what I’ve got loaded up for you.

  • WordPress 3.0 – If you don’t know what WordPress is, don’t be too concerned. It is simply the behind the scenes stuff that takes all this information that I have a makes it all pretty for you to look at. A new version is out and I’m going to be upgrading soon. Hopefully it doesn’t wreck my site!
  • Sprint HTC EVO – So I’ve been a staunch BlackBerry guy for years now. But for years, BlackBerry has been standing still while new mobile operating systems like Android and iPhone OS (now known as iOS) have been making huge leaps and bounds. The iPhone is firmly planted at AT&T so that is out of the question, but Sprint, my carrier of choice, recently got a major Android phone called the EVO. I’ll fill you in on all its amazingness soon.
  • Friday Night Links – This has been the thing I’ve been missing most over the past month or two. I’ve got a bunch of great stuff that I’ve been saving but just couldn’t get put up because Friday nights have been busy, busy, busy.
  • – So this isn’t anything coming up but my Biggest Loser blog over there had a huge thing happen. Fan favorites Sunshine and Oatmeal ended up answering questions over there for everyone. It was pretty amazing to have them there to do that. On a secondary note, I’m going to be doing admin stuff for, so that would include making improvements and upgrades as well as tweaking the look. I’m trying to figure out how to put each author’s picture in their post, so if you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

That is about it for the moment, but expect a second post tonight about my low-tech obsession as of late.

4 responses to “Back from Exile…

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Back from Exile… | The Digitante --

  2. Eddie June 23, 2010 at 7:57 am

    He’s alive! 🙂

    But seriously, installing WordPress 3.0 is on my to do list too. I would definitely be interested in hearing about your upgrade experience.

    • The Digitante June 23, 2010 at 8:02 am

      If it looks good from where you are then I’m successful. I ended up having to reinstall two plugins but they work perfectly after reinstallation.

  3. Jenny June 23, 2010 at 9:42 am

    I’ve been missing the Friday Night Links as well! But @ahow628 over on the Twitter does a pretty good job at filling the gaps. and the blog posts on are hilarious yet informative. Everyone should be going there. 🙂

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