The Digitante

Learn to turn your technology on…

In Action!

The In Action! section of the site is me and my clients going through the process of getting the technology that fits their needs. From the research to the purchase, from the unboxing to the set up, I like to be there every step of the way. That is the service portion of what I do: I provide a valuable service – knowledge – to those who have a need – technology. But that is only half of it.

The other half is that in running a business like The Digitante, I get to vicariously live out my gadget fantasies. We have a great HDTV at our house, but anytime I can go TV shopping with someone who needs new TV, it flat-out makes my day. I typically keep my cell phone for the full two years of my contract and tons of new phones come out over that time. But boy do my eyes light up when someone mentions they need a new cell phone but aren’t sure what to get.

So the In Action! section will include all things related to my gadget shopping trips: pictures, a write-up of what we were looking for, and finally, a note from the recipient of the shiny new gadget.

If you are thinking about make a gadget purchase and would like to see your story documented here you can head over to the About page and contact The Digitante by email or phone. Also, be sure to become a friend of The Digitante on Facebook!

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