The Digitante

Learn to turn your technology on…

Mr. B Follow-up…

So if you’ve been reading The Digitante for awhile now, I’ve seen the In Action! feature that I write. Essentially, its just me helping people out with their tech stuff.

My first foray into documenting my consultations was with Mr. G who needed a new television. Not to long afterward, I helped Mr. B get a new cell phone. I asked Mr. B if he would right a little blurb about his experience and he just emailed it over to me last week. Here’s his story:

A little bit of background: I don’t think I have ever paid > $50 for a phone. I always went with the free or close to free phones and had never paid attention to the features of the phone. My thoughts have always been, ‘Can I make and receive calls?’ and wanted it not too be too big and bulky. I also had a history of breaking my phones one way or another, and by history, I mean, every phone I have had has broken, usually by me dropping it repeatedly (on accident of course).

Fast forward to a few months ago. My phone’s battery was getting to the point where it wouldn’t last a day without having to charge it up, and when my parents got an iPhone, that made me realize that I was behind in the times. I saw all the cool features that a smart phone could do and I wanted one.

I was all for listening to the commercials pumping the largest network and some CEO saying how their service was better, etc. For a second opinion, I turned to The Digitante. When I first asked him a few questions about the cell phone game, his eyes lit up like a 5 year old on Christmas. I guess cell phone shopping is one of his passions.

The Digitante asked me what all I wanted in a phone, what I thought was important, what I would use it for, how many minutes I use, etc. He told me all about the networks and data speeds, different phones, cost of plans for each carrier to make sure I was optimized for my individual needs. He explained the features of each phone, the drawbacks, battery life, etc.

The Digitante told me about upcoming phones from Sprint that would be released in the next 6 months, the HTC Hero and a new BlackBerry without the rollerball, which was one of the reasons I didn’t like the BlackBerry. I ended up going with the Pre, as you could see.

My parents have an iPhone, my sister and roommate have the Pre. I work with a bunch of people that have the BlackBerries, and really liked the interface of the touchscreens better. My decision was pretty much between leaving Sprint, which I had been with for 6 years and going to AT&T for the iPhone, or sticking with Sprint and going with the Pre.

After 6 years of no problems with Sprint’s network or customer service, I was leaning toward them due to this, and their significantly lower cost of the plans vs. an iPhone.

The Digitante went with me to pick it out at Best Buy from his suggestion of having an instant rebate vs. going to the Sprint Store and having a mail-in rebate.

A few months after my purchase, I have no buyer’s remorse and I love the Pre. It does everything I need it to do and really utilizes everything I need for personal and work.

I am glad I had The Digitante along with me, not only to help me pick out a phone, but for someone that I could trust would help me get the right phone for me and my uses, rather than the commercials that appeal to the masses.

Thank you, Digitante

PS: Help me pick out a Blu Ray player that streams Netflix… or some other thing that will do the same. And for next spring, I want to hook up outdoor speakers that I can connect to my XM, possibly through my current receiver.

Well, sounds like I’ve already got some more work lined up from Mr. B.

If you would like some help with your gadgets, I offer some nice discounts on my services if you let me document it and give me a quick blurb for my site. If you are interest, feel free to contact me by email, phone, or you can leave a comment below.

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