The Digitante

Learn to turn your technology on…

Mr. B picks up a Pre…

Last Friday, my buddy Mr. B was ready to renew his cell phone contract and pick up a brand new phone. His phone at the time was a typical flip phone, the Sanyo Katana. He was wanting to upgrade to a “big boy” phone aka a smartphone, which could be used for emailing, scheduling, and browsing the internet. We had discussed before hand what kind of smartphone he was looking for: I recommended the Palm Pre and the BlackBerry Tour. His decision-making process was actually made easier by the fact that he had enjoyed playing with his sister’s Pre when he was visiting her a couple of days before and he didn’t want a BlackBerry because everyone at work already had a BlackBerry.

We headed over to Best Buy to pick up his phone. We looked around the displays for a bit before diving into the whole process of acquiring a new phone.

Checking out the goods:

Looking around

Next we chatted with the helpful fellows over at the mobile devices counter. They were more than happy to give us all kinds of tidbits about people loving their Palm Pre, all the apps and tasks you can perform, and various accessories that can help you keep your Pre charged and scratch free. We were just worried about getting the Pre though.

The box awaiting our grubby little fingers (nice, upside down):

The Box

The paperwork was taking forever so we killed some time by talking to the Sprint rep. She gave us all kinds of good information on phones that were coming up, plan changes that were being considered, and she even let me complain about the lack of Phone as a Modem for Simply Everything plans.

Doing the paperwork:


By the time we were wrapping up paperwork, the Pre was firing up.

If a Pre within a Pre doesn’t freak you out, I don’t know what will:

Pre startup

Eventually, Mr. B signed the contract, got the phone up and running, paid the bill, and we were headed out the door. I got a quick parting shot.

Mr. B – proud father of a new Palm Pre:

Mr B and the Pre

Mr. B will hopefully have a nice little write up about his experiences hanging out with The Digitante in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, whether you want to jump in front of the camera or have a private consultation, The Digitante is available to answer any questions you have about your electronic purchases. You can head over to the About page and email or call The Digitante.

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