The Digitante

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Tag Archives: Canadians

Friday Night Links (2/5/2010)…

Do you like music? Of course you do! Then why aren’t you listening to Evan Roberts? A buddy of mine plays guitar on Evan’s albums and another acquaintance of mine is the producer. You can check out the HD version of the video as well or you can click on the above link to find out if Evan is playing near you. By the way, he does a nice blend of R&B and rock. Pretty cool stuff. (

Evan Roberts – “Golden” (Official HD Video) from Anotha One Records on Vimeo.

Do you like videos on your computer? Of course you do! Then why aren’t you saving them from the web? Got that favorite video from YouTube? Take it with you! You can even toss it on your phone. (

Do you like Comcast? Of course you don’t! Then why don’t you go ahead and avoid Xfinity? (

Do you like Canadians? Of course you do! Then why don’t you watch this one talk about pizza pies? (

CBC Archives: New 50’s Food – Pizza Pie

Do you like being in debt? Of course you don’t! But don’t get delusional that all your troubles go away when you get out of debt. So don’t just sock away your pennies and pay off your credit cards; you also need to work on your relationships, your decision making process, and your priorities. (