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Tag Archives: DIY

Friday Night Links (06/25/2010)…

Welcome to a long overdue Friday Night Links. I’ve got an entire vat of links that need to be strewn across the internet, so I’ll try to pump out some extras over the next few weeks.

  • DIY Flytraps – Granted flies around the Midwest aren’t nearly as numerous and large as they are in other areas of the world such as jungles and the tropics, but they are not fun either way. Personally, we’ve had some fruit fly issues and this guide covers traps from tiny to huge, so pick your size.
  • 5 Ingredient/10 Minute Meals – The article links to a pdf, so you might want to print it out and keep it around your kitchen when you need to fix a simple meal in a pinch. If you don’t mind jumping straight to the pdf (warning: it’s huge), here is a link.
  • Vinyou – This one is a beta project and many locales don’t have any events listed, but Vinyou is a tool for finding wine events (tastings, festivals) in your area. There is a nice large “Submit a Wine Event” button on the right side so you can let others in your area know about events in your area. Help these guys out as I’m sure they would appreciate it.
  • Picrap – If you live outside (or within) certain countries, you can’t watch some online TV shows. Picrap attempts to fix that by allowing you to stream shows from countries you are barred from watching. I have not tried this out, but let me know if you do and how you fared. Hopefully this might help out some of my Canadian readers.
  • Locals vs Tourists – Check out this Flickr set to find out where tourists congregate in various cities around the world so you can either join them or avoid them – your call. All the data is based on geotagged photos and isn’t specific to street names, just general areas.

Friday Night Links (4/30/2010)…

I had four links for tonight, but apparently someone wasn’t happy about the content of one of them and it was removed. Let’s just say someone had a little fun with Costco’s generic pricing signs. If you Google “Costco prank” you can find a couple of examples of what they were up to.

Also, if you every have links that you would like to see featured here, I am always open to suggestions. Anyway, on to the links!

  • Homemade Snickers – As a kid, I used to see Snickers ads on TV all the time, but I don’t think I ever had a Snickers bar until I was 10 years old or so. Enough of my deprived childhood though. You, however, can give your kids the joys of Snickers bars by making them yourself. Sounds like a delicious Saturday afternoon project. As usual, please send any leftovers to me.
  • Knife Sharpening – Ever tried to use a razor that had been used about a million times? Remember what it did to your face? Don’t do that to your food! Sharpen your knives. The article gives some great advice in the body, but the comments really shine because it is real people asking real questions and the author is there to answer every single one. Great instructional article.
  • Boeing Makes a Plane – Pretty self explanatory, right? The plane they are making is for Southwest Airlines and is called Florida One. It has the Florida state seal on it and it is uglier than sin. Watching the process is really cool though. If you can’t see the embedded video, click for the link to YouTube.

Friday Night Links (4/16/2010)…

I’m teetering on the edge of a food coma after filling up on heavy Italian food at Buca di Beppo. Whatever! I’m still bringing you two food links tonight in the FNL. Get ready to be hungry.

  • Make Your Own Sriracha – This is the sauce of the gods. Instead of being fiery hot just for the sake of being fiery hot, Sriracha sauce adds some fantastic garlic flavoring. If you want to tweak it even further you can add your own flavors. Personally, I’m thinking some sesame oil might be great.
  • Cool Stuff – If that description sounds like it is generic and non-specific, then you obviously haven’t clicked on the link yet. I linked directly to the gadget section, but there are some amazing things in the other sections. How about these hotel rooms?
  • Earthquake Notification – Live in a subduction zone? Not sure what subduction means? Well, if you live on the West Coast or along the Mississippi River, there’s a chance you are at risk of encountering an earthquake. The US Geological Survey actually has a text message or email notification service so you will know if an earthquake hits your area. It requires an email address, but you can actually have an email sent to your phone via text message by following the instructions at this link.
  • Food Porn – Don’t let the name scare you: this link is safe for work. It is just ridiculously awesome looking (and tasting, I’m sure) food laid out in all its glory for you to lust over. On recommendation of my wife and regular Digitante commenter Jenny, we clicked through for about 15 minutes and our living room was filled with constant ‘Ooo’s and ‘Ahh’s. See? It’s sounding more and more like porn now, isn’t it. Do yourself a favor and click though the pictures. You won’t regret it.

Friday Night Links (4/2/2010)…

Man, it is getting really tough to keep up here with everything I have going on. I’m not slowing down anytime soon though and actually my Tuesdays just opened up immensely. But who cares about Tuesday? What I care about is Good Friday Night Links!

  • Crazy Airports – Ever thought about building an island that is 4 square miles in the middle of a harbor so you can have an airport? Why not? Everybody’s doing it. Everybody is also landing on the beach, driving their cars across the runway, and creating massive solar arrays to power their airport. Sounds like you have some catching up to do. Regardless, the pictures are pretty amazing and I highly recommend you check out the island airports on Google Maps satellite view. Here is one to get you started.
  • Homemade Things That Should Not Be Homemade – If you know me, would it shock you if I said my brother and I have actually made very similar inventions in our lives? I’m sure it wouldn’t. But don’t let me yammer at you. You need to check out the pictures. My favorite: the scaffolding. Also, be on the look out for the thing. Digitante dollars to the person who finds it first and leaves a comment about it.
  • Beet Hummus – My most popular posts in FNL has by far been the food postings. You’ll notice Jenny’s comments strewn about in each food post. Well, here is another one for you. I saw the color of that hummus and knew I had to have it. Gorgeous. Wonderful – now I’m hungry.
  • Clothes Folding Robot – This robot is programmed to fold clothes, but he has never folded THESE particular clothes before. He analyzes the shape, size, which direction it hangs, and then folds it properly. Good luck trying that technique out on my dress shirt that sat at the bottom of a pile for a week. Even my iron on full blast can’t help that shirt. Here is a direct link in case you can’t see the video below.

Friday Night Links (11/20/2009)…

I am still struggling with this silly cold. It keeps me up at night and I sound like I’m way sicker than I really am. On the upside, this coughing is the best abdominal workout I’ve had in awhile. You know what the coughing doesn’t help with? Typing up Friday Night Links.

  • Google Navigation ( – After reading this article, I really had to wonder how much longer stand-alone GPS devices will even exist. Just the other day, I was using the built-in GPS in our car and after only 2 years it is sorely out of date. To get the maps updated, it would cost nearly $700 for the maps and the labor. With something like Sprint Navigation on my BlackBerry or Google Navigation on an Android smartphone, the maps are always up-to-date since they are uploaded as you drive. The days of the stand-alone are numbered.
  • Cellphone Economics ( – Do you understand the economics of your cellphone plan? Well, neither do most economists. The shocking thing for me that I’ve never thought about is that with my plan, I’m paying $130 for the first minute of talking on the phone and then the next 1,499 minutes are free. The 1,501 minute onward costs $.25 each. Dividing $130 by 1,500 is the wrong approach to figuring out how much your per minute cost is. Weird to think about. My head hurts now.
  • Drexel Shaft Demolition ( – Slow motion is awesome. Especially when it involves a giant smokestack falling into a heap. Speaking of heap, the song playing is by Imogen Heap and you might recognize it from the new Jason Derulo song, Whatcha Say. Not that I’m obsessed with pop music or anything.
  • 10 Homemade Remedies ( – In honor of my sickness, I’d like to offer up this post on 10 homemade remedies for what ails you. These range from soothing bug bites to getting rid of toe nail fungus.  I’m off to grab a bit of honey before I head to bed. Hopefully a good night’s sleep is the only remedy I need.