The Digitante

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Tag Archives: open comments

Agenda for Wednesday…

I had a busier Tuesday night than normal:

  • I attended an event called Ignite Indianapolis. The premise is there is a docket of speakers who are equipped with a Powerpoint presentation and the subject can be whatever they want. The catch is, each slide shows for exactly 15 seconds and there are 20 slides, so the full presentation is 5 minutes (it is also referred to as Pecha Kucha). Timing and pace are everything: some presenters hit their next point exactly as the slide flipped, others rushed through their thought as slides kept turning despite their fumbling of words, and others had speeches with long pauses waiting for the next slide to appear. It’s amazing how long and short the same 15 seconds can feel. I will cover all the presentations with some critiques tomorrow.
  • If I have enough time (and I should), I plan on also catching back up with a Tuesday Quick Tip for your Wednesday.
  • I’m still writing my weekly recap of Biggest Loser for As the name implies, there could be some crude language and humor, but it is certainly all in good fun. If you watch Biggest Loser, I would love to have you over reading and commenting.
  • Finally, my dearest love, Mrs. Digitante, decided to ditch me and our little daughters for sunny south Florida. She is down there for a work conference and I am in charge around the house in her absence. Thus far it is going well, but I am certainly busier than normal.

All those things piling up lead to me postponing tonight’s TQT.

I would like to take this little break to make this post an open comment forum. Feel free to ask me any question in the comments and I’ll try to answer it. Also, you can let me know what I’m not talking about that you actually do want to hear. No promises on actually covering it, but I’ll certainly look into it.