The Digitante

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Tag Archives: YouTube

TQT: Queue YouTube to a Specific Time…

Ever have a long YouTube video that you want to share with others, but the good part is at the end? Well here is a nice little fix for you.

Since I gave my iPad the boot last week, I thought it was only fitting to demonstrate this technique with a Blendtec video of an iPad getting bent in half, shoved in an industrial blender, and pulverized into a powder.

The link for the video usually looks like this:

If you click that link, you will end up watching entire 1 minute and 40 second clip. It’s very entertaining and you should definitely watch it.

If you want to get straight to the good stuff, you would want to start the video at the 55 second mark. You can easily have YouTube do that for you by adding the following to the end of the link:


You can modify the 0 and the 55 to whatever you want. The final link will then look like this:

Bam! iPad demolished!

If you want to watch another cool video starring The Digitante In Action!, check out the video below. If it doesn’t show up, click here to watch it at the YouTube site.

Friday Night Links (2/5/2010)…

Do you like music? Of course you do! Then why aren’t you listening to Evan Roberts? A buddy of mine plays guitar on Evan’s albums and another acquaintance of mine is the producer. You can check out the HD version of the video as well or you can click on the above link to find out if Evan is playing near you. By the way, he does a nice blend of R&B and rock. Pretty cool stuff. (

Evan Roberts – “Golden” (Official HD Video) from Anotha One Records on Vimeo.

Do you like videos on your computer? Of course you do! Then why aren’t you saving them from the web? Got that favorite video from YouTube? Take it with you! You can even toss it on your phone. (

Do you like Comcast? Of course you don’t! Then why don’t you go ahead and avoid Xfinity? (

Do you like Canadians? Of course you do! Then why don’t you watch this one talk about pizza pies? (

CBC Archives: New 50’s Food – Pizza Pie

Do you like being in debt? Of course you don’t! But don’t get delusional that all your troubles go away when you get out of debt. So don’t just sock away your pennies and pay off your credit cards; you also need to work on your relationships, your decision making process, and your priorities. (

In Action!: Empty a Water Bottle Quickly

Tonight I created and uploaded my first YouTube video. Soon I’m going to write a post about YouTube, but for tonight, you can check out my video that I uploaded.

It is an instructional How-To video on how to empty a water bottle or jug quickly. Let me know what you think in the comments!

Google: The Rest of the Story…

So far we’ve covered the biggest tools that Google offers. I use Gmail, Google Maps, Google Calendar, and Google Voice pretty much everyday. I find Google Docs invaluable for opening PDF files since Adobe Reader is such a slow and bloated piece of software. I have a new found love for Picasa and will most likely become a shut-in as I spend the next couple of weekends working on our photo collection.

However, Google has numerous tools that while I use with very sparse frequency, I’ve still found them to be well designed and useful.

Google Desktop

Google Desktop

Imagine having the Google search box for the content on your computer. Imagine no more. Google Desktop is a powerful search tool for indexing and searching everything on your computer. To start up any program, you can just type in the name in Google Desktop, click, and go.

Google Earth

Google Earth

Admittedly, Google Earth is probably one of the coolest programs on God’s green internet. Once you download the program, you can begin exploring the Earth (both on land and under the sea) in 3D with real shading and textures. Cities contain 3D renderings of actual buildings. You can fly right by the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben. Just be careful, since all the renderings get downloaded to your computer, this can start weighing down your computer quickly.

Google Groups

Google Groups

Need to organize people scattered across all those places you just looked up on Google Earth? Then you need Google Groups. You can organize in whatever type of group you want, invite others to join a private group, or leave the group open to the public. Or you can join a group that already exists. Groups can be customized visually with graphics and colors. Users can upload videos and pictures. It is a great collaboration tool and can be a fun way to socialize with other who have similar interests.

Google News

Google News

Google News is a bit more pedestrian than most other Google tools in that it simply aggregates the most popular news and allows you to browse. It does also allow you to great custom news feeds with topics that interest you and it allows you to enter your location (zip, city, or state) to get local news.


Google YouTube

Alright, so YouTube actually might be the most popular Google service there is, but I’ll admit, I’ve watched quite a bit of YouTube, but I’ve never uploaded a video and I’m embarrassed about that because I am such a techie and that is a really simple and easy thing to do. Perhaps after I get my photo collection all sorted out.

If you have any questions about any of these or other Google services and tools, you can always contact The Digitante by heading to the About page to find my email address, clicking on the Google Voice widget, or you can also visit me on Twitter by following clicking on my Twitter button. The Google Voice widget and the Twitter button are both on the right hand column of the website.