The Digitante

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Sky's The Limit…

Alright, we’ve covered everything up to $1,000, so now its time to cover the things that most people just dream of. However, I’ll try to keep them somewhat practical (no, I’m not going to toss up a corporate jet or an island in the Pacific).

On to the big ticket items:

  • Panasonic 65″ Plasma HDTV – So last night I linked to a nice plasma TV for about $650. For Sky’s the Limit night, there is no reason you wouldn’t just find the largest TV you can. Your immediate first thought is, ’65” is way to large for my livingroom’, but just let me tell you: it will seem much smaller once you get it in there. We have a 60″ HDTV (not plasma and not $4,000) and in retrospect, we should have opted for the 70″.

  • Complete Home Theater System – Are you really going to watch that HD movie on those flimsy little speakers built into the side of your brand new 65″ plasma? I sure hope not. A Denon receiver with Definitive Technology speakers is the only way to go. With a setup like this, you can almost HEAR Happy Gilmore hitting the golf ball.

  • Apple MacBook Pro 17-Inch Laptop – Giant screen? Check. Thin aluminum chassis? Check. Multitouch buttonless trackpad? Check. Backlit keys and LED screen? Check. Swollen sense of self-worth? Check. Bank account with lots of dollars in it? :cricket, cricket: This is a beautiful laptop and possibly one of the most desirable for most people. And really, how can you put a price tag on being awesome?

So there you have it, everything from sub-$100 to 5-digit home theater systems. If you want to check out all the posts in this series, just use the “gifts” tag.

If you have any other gift ideas with hefty price tags, be sure to leave a comment.

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